mandag 5. april 2010

Easter'n 2010

Fuck, school is on tomorrow. Really fucked up but I had the best vacation ever!

In the first part of the vacation I was sick, I'm still a bit sick but HEY. When I was sick I had a chill time with some friends. On Wedensday I took the train with Casper to Are, Sweeden. Met some boys up there and we had a great time. Took the train back again, jumped off at Storlien. The next days we went on snowmobile trips all over Storlien's mountains. And on Saturday I went to Are again. Mari and Espen picked me up early. It was totally bluebird and the park was amazing! I had the best time of my life there. Leared sw 9 and underflip on the 2nd jump in the black line. The kicker was hard and the landings were soft. Really good conditions! Julian tried out the Kengaroo flip and ended up at the hospital.. Went back to Storlien again, Ate really good food with Agnethe's family. It was so chill, loved it!

Went to Vassfjellet today, haha. Kinda gaper day, I brought my snowboard without snowboard boots. I took some jumps and railed pretty good. 5050 to frontside nosepress etc. really funny.

We filmed a lot in Åre. I will post the edit when it's done.

Piz Chris

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