hi, sorry for being lazy with updating my blog, but life is kinda stressfull sometimes. Anyway, after I came back from Hafjell I went up to Storlien. Took the morning train up there, and I met Agnethe on the station. We went over to her house and I jumped in the bed at once. Really tierd after all the travveling. When I woke up, we grabbed her snowmobile and went for a trip with some friends of her. We went to the hill just a few hours the next day, stoked o meter was low.
When I finally came back home on Sunday, I looked forward to shred Vassfjellet again.
On Saturday I brougt my camera with me, we filmed a lot of cool stuff. The park is sick now, really funny to ride.
I'm looking forward to the spring which is coming up really soon, when the snow would be more soft and juicy. Then it's time to learn new tricks!
I will bring up a edit really soon, maybe it will come to the weekend.
piz chris.