in the last 3days I've been shredding in Vassfjellet, it's been a really good time!
It is truly good to see my friends again, both skiers and boarders.
Vassfjellet has produced a bunch with snow the last days, today it's been really cold (-11 celcius). Some friends of mine had shaped all the rails, so it was super fun to try out some new shit on rails, like noseblunt, tailpress, switch slides etc.
I got a few shots with my cam, a sex change on a 8-10 m flatbar. Really pumped on that for shure. I also did a few 270s from the sides off the rail, sticked it ones! Really hard to keep your balance on a thin rail, but I'm trying to keep it cool
I'll try to post some pics soon from Vassfjellet!, but I found a shot of me from Hafjell. Hafjell has a group on facebook about their park etc.
here it is:

All I can say so far about Vassfjellet is that they've a bunch with rails, but they sucks to keep them in shape..
Well see you guys soon, looking forward to see my bestfriend on Saturday. He live in Calgary at the moment but is home in our Christmas vacation!
piz chris