Erlend Viken, Magnus Rønning and me decided to hit urbans today, Viken picked us up and we went straight to Rotvoll to hit a downrail. It was totally worth it, the rail was so dialed, perfect height and long.
We used around 30 min to buildt kicker and inrun, then we started to throw down some shietz.
Magz put down 270 off immediately, and 450 after that! Credz to him
He totally killed that rail with so many different tricks, the sickest thing he sticked was Sex change sw up 270 off, that is like nternational riders does!
I sticked a few sw ups and 270 off, but I wanted to get a sick shot, so I sticked Sex change. VERY VERY stoked on that, good style in it to!
Viken sticked one sw up, he hit the rail unatty so that is pretty awsome!
The shots that we got today, will be saved for the full movie coming this fall!
Here is some pics from today!