Hei, jeg og Julian dro ut for å hitte enda en streetrail, vi fant en fet blå flatrail til step down.
Jeg ba Julian dra innom en butikk for å kjøpe skjøteledning, og ei lampe. Utrolig nok så klarte han faktisk å gjøre det. Vi hadde akkurat nok ledning til å få lys på setupet vårt, og det var ganske episk. Vi brukte 2 timer på å rigge opp lys, bygge inrun, og landing.
Her er et bilde av setupet:
Vi hadde rundt 15 rånerbiler som crowd, og det var jo ganske fett. De tok helt av når vi raile, og tuta som et helvette. Vi fikk et par bangers som selfølgelig spares til langfilmen. Urbans tar tid, men når du setter tricksene du vil ha, da blir det så sykt verdt alt strevet!
Piz Chris
torsdag 16. desember 2010
søndag 12. desember 2010
Åpning av ny park i Ålen
Hei, i går dro vi til Ålen for å sjekke ut hva de hadde fått til. De har investert i 3 mill i park i høst, og etter helga kan vi si at de har potensialet for å bygge en syk heftig park.
Jeg, Magnus og Julian dro oppover med broren til Julian, vi møtte masse kjentfolk og da var det i gang. Tok heisen opp å så en park som ikke så veldig sammenhengende ut. De to første rundene så tenkte jeg, hva er det for noe? Dette ser ut som en skicross/kulekjøring løype. Men railsa var smud, og siste hoppet funka bra. Det var stort nok til 1080s, men du trengte alt for mye fart for et sånt hopp. Du gikk mer opp, enn bortover. og flata var ganske 7-10m, men satset du riktig kunne man gå helt sykt høyt på det. Det snødde tett i starten av dagen, men det ga seg rundt kl 13. Det var et såkalt jam hele dagen, der vi kunne bare kjøre og ha det fett, samt at dommerne fulgte med hvis det var noen som utmerket seg ekstra. Julian kjørte rett med misty 9, og dub front, han delte ''best in show'' prisen med Vebjørn Engeseth. De fikk 1000 kr hver, og vi gratulerer Julian med delt førsteplass! Et riktig bra arrangement, med gratis heiskort, premier til alle, og god stemning. Vi Skal tilbake til Ålen så snart som mulig, Det har virkelig potensialet. De spurte oss hele dagen om hva vi syntes om parken, hva som burde gjøres annerledes osv. Genialt, endelig et anlegg som skjønner hva som er rett!
Her er noen bilder fra Ålen:
Piz Chris
Jeg, Magnus og Julian dro oppover med broren til Julian, vi møtte masse kjentfolk og da var det i gang. Tok heisen opp å så en park som ikke så veldig sammenhengende ut. De to første rundene så tenkte jeg, hva er det for noe? Dette ser ut som en skicross/kulekjøring løype. Men railsa var smud, og siste hoppet funka bra. Det var stort nok til 1080s, men du trengte alt for mye fart for et sånt hopp. Du gikk mer opp, enn bortover. og flata var ganske 7-10m, men satset du riktig kunne man gå helt sykt høyt på det. Det snødde tett i starten av dagen, men det ga seg rundt kl 13. Det var et såkalt jam hele dagen, der vi kunne bare kjøre og ha det fett, samt at dommerne fulgte med hvis det var noen som utmerket seg ekstra. Julian kjørte rett med misty 9, og dub front, han delte ''best in show'' prisen med Vebjørn Engeseth. De fikk 1000 kr hver, og vi gratulerer Julian med delt førsteplass! Et riktig bra arrangement, med gratis heiskort, premier til alle, og god stemning. Vi Skal tilbake til Ålen så snart som mulig, Det har virkelig potensialet. De spurte oss hele dagen om hva vi syntes om parken, hva som burde gjøres annerledes osv. Genialt, endelig et anlegg som skjønner hva som er rett!
Her er noen bilder fra Ålen:
Piz Chris
søndag 5. desember 2010
Downrail shoot i Vassfjellet
Hei, Magnus sendte meg en sms i går der han ba meg ta med kamera oppover til Vassfjellet i dag. Jeg hørte på han, og det var nok verdt det.
Vassfjellet har fått tak i en ny rail, en 9m flatbar uten plater på sidene. Den så helt sykt sketchy ut. Værtfall Magnus stompa 2 pretzle 2 på den railen, og sikra seg enda en banger. Vegard var også der, han stompa blind 4 av som det var ingenting så han skaffe seg nok et shot. Jeg har fått nytt utstyr fra Intersport, og jeg tørs ikke å rail med de nye skia enda. Derfor stod jeg bak kamera i dag.
her er noen bilder fra dagens session:
Dette er de nye skia jeg fikk av intersport, Nordica Ace of spades. Sykt fornøyd!
Piz Chris
Vassfjellet har fått tak i en ny rail, en 9m flatbar uten plater på sidene. Den så helt sykt sketchy ut. Værtfall Magnus stompa 2 pretzle 2 på den railen, og sikra seg enda en banger. Vegard var også der, han stompa blind 4 av som det var ingenting så han skaffe seg nok et shot. Jeg har fått nytt utstyr fra Intersport, og jeg tørs ikke å rail med de nye skia enda. Derfor stod jeg bak kamera i dag.
her er noen bilder fra dagens session:
Dette er de nye skia jeg fikk av intersport, Nordica Ace of spades. Sykt fornøyd!
Piz Chris
tirsdag 23. november 2010
tredje session på samme rail
Hei, i kveld dro vi til Lerkendal igjen. Vi hadde planer om å ikke hitte den samme downrailen igjen, men vi måtte gjøre det tilslutt!
Planen var egentlig å hitte en wallride, men inrunet var problemet. Det var også en del andre features der vi kunne hitte, men det ville bare ikke la seg gjøre. Etter 1 time bestemte vi oss for å bare prøve å få noen shots på den downrailen vi har filmet på i det siste. Magnus, Julian, Vegard og meg kjørte i ca 2 timer, Magnus hadde en forbanna dårlig dag så han fikk ikke et eneste shot. Vegard var ''urban rocky of the night'', årets første hit for han og vi gratulerer med 2 bangers! Jeg fikk et par klipp og det samme gjorde Julian. Dette er absolutt den siste session på denne railen, aldri mer skal vi tilbake på denne! Neste gang vi hitter en street feature skal det ikke være street rail, men wallride eller noe lignende.
Her er noen bilder fra i dag:
Piz Chris
Planen var egentlig å hitte en wallride, men inrunet var problemet. Det var også en del andre features der vi kunne hitte, men det ville bare ikke la seg gjøre. Etter 1 time bestemte vi oss for å bare prøve å få noen shots på den downrailen vi har filmet på i det siste. Magnus, Julian, Vegard og meg kjørte i ca 2 timer, Magnus hadde en forbanna dårlig dag så han fikk ikke et eneste shot. Vegard var ''urban rocky of the night'', årets første hit for han og vi gratulerer med 2 bangers! Jeg fikk et par klipp og det samme gjorde Julian. Dette er absolutt den siste session på denne railen, aldri mer skal vi tilbake på denne! Neste gang vi hitter en street feature skal det ikke være street rail, men wallride eller noe lignende.
Her er noen bilder fra i dag:
Piz Chris
lørdag 13. november 2010
Årets roadtrip på 10 timer
Hei, i går kveld satte vi kurs ut på nye street eventyr, og det tok av!
Vegard Øye ringte meg på dagen i går, og spurte om jeg var keen på å hitte litt urbans på kvelden, jeg var stoka og det var de andre også. Jeg, Vegard Øye, Petter Wandsvik, Magnus Rønning og Julian Werkland satt i bila til Vegard å spotta rails og etter 1 time så bestemte vi oss for å hitte en down C-rail på Byåsen. Etter litt klabb og babb fikk vi lånt strøm av en nabo som var meget hyggelig. Han kom på vår ''liker'' liste etter han ga oss en lyskaster ekstra for å få bedre lys på railen. Sånne folk liker vi! Vi begynte å hitte den og den var helt perfekt, men når vi begynte å filme så kommer vaktmesteren på et gamlehjem å jager oss bort. Slike folk liker vi ikke, og havna på ''don't like'' liste i årets film som kommer til høsten. Etter vi pakket ned lysene og tok bort kickeren dro vi på tiller. Der kjøpte vi oss mat på Shell, jeg skulle kjøpe en frø-baguet, karen bak kassa slo inn strek koden, og der står det ''49kr'', jeg tenke '' haha, for en idiot. Han må ha slått inn feil'' Men hva faen? Det kostet 50 kr for en liten baguett med 2 skiver skinke og 2 skiver ost inni. Men etter en lang diskusjon med mye latter kjøpte jeg noe annet. Og når jeg skulle kjøpe drikke så sa han '' du kan få drikken til 12 kr hvis du kjøper beger, jeg får egentlig ikke lov til å gjøre det, men siden det er deg så..'' Og sånne folk liker vi!
Men hverfall, vi dro til bilbyen for å hitte en down-flat-c-rail-down rail, vi fikk satt opp lysene, hetet et stillas fra et lagerbygg og vi begynte å shredde. Etter uttallige turer ut i buskene, så begynte folk å stompe railen. Dette var vell den første ordentlige vanskelige streetrailen vi har tatt.
vi fikk mange bangers, men det skal vi selfølgelig spare til filmen!
Her er noen bilder:
Vegard Øye ringte meg på dagen i går, og spurte om jeg var keen på å hitte litt urbans på kvelden, jeg var stoka og det var de andre også. Jeg, Vegard Øye, Petter Wandsvik, Magnus Rønning og Julian Werkland satt i bila til Vegard å spotta rails og etter 1 time så bestemte vi oss for å hitte en down C-rail på Byåsen. Etter litt klabb og babb fikk vi lånt strøm av en nabo som var meget hyggelig. Han kom på vår ''liker'' liste etter han ga oss en lyskaster ekstra for å få bedre lys på railen. Sånne folk liker vi! Vi begynte å hitte den og den var helt perfekt, men når vi begynte å filme så kommer vaktmesteren på et gamlehjem å jager oss bort. Slike folk liker vi ikke, og havna på ''don't like'' liste i årets film som kommer til høsten. Etter vi pakket ned lysene og tok bort kickeren dro vi på tiller. Der kjøpte vi oss mat på Shell, jeg skulle kjøpe en frø-baguet, karen bak kassa slo inn strek koden, og der står det ''49kr'', jeg tenke '' haha, for en idiot. Han må ha slått inn feil'' Men hva faen? Det kostet 50 kr for en liten baguett med 2 skiver skinke og 2 skiver ost inni. Men etter en lang diskusjon med mye latter kjøpte jeg noe annet. Og når jeg skulle kjøpe drikke så sa han '' du kan få drikken til 12 kr hvis du kjøper beger, jeg får egentlig ikke lov til å gjøre det, men siden det er deg så..'' Og sånne folk liker vi!
Men hverfall, vi dro til bilbyen for å hitte en down-flat-c-rail-down rail, vi fikk satt opp lysene, hetet et stillas fra et lagerbygg og vi begynte å shredde. Etter uttallige turer ut i buskene, så begynte folk å stompe railen. Dette var vell den første ordentlige vanskelige streetrailen vi har tatt.
vi fikk mange bangers, men det skal vi selfølgelig spare til filmen!
Her er noen bilder:
onsdag 10. november 2010
Urban urban og urban
Hei igjen!
Vi dro tilbake til den railen vi hitta sist, den downrailen ved Lerkendal Stadion. Vi tok med litt mer lys nå siden linsa jeg har på kameraet suger i dårlig lys. Jeg kom dit litt før de andre, Magnus og Julian kom etter 30 min og Kasper med bussen senere. Etter sist session har det dumpa sykt mye snø i byen. Kom en 20-25 cm på ei natt liksom, sykt digg! Og en enda bedre ting, Vassfjellet åpner i helga og det kommer til å klikke!
Og jeg har bestilt en ny linse til kameraet som skal være ganske smud i dårlig lys, det er 50mm fast optikk så den kommer til å brukes mye til street filming.
Og vi fant to nye rails, en helt insane stor dub kink og en jævla fet downrail til drop. Så neste målet er å kapre de railsa på film og få tatt noen bilder.
Her er noen bilder fra Lerkendal:
Set up:
Det kommer langfilm i år, men vi kommer til å droppe et par edits fra ulike sessions vi har hatt igjennom sessongen. Dette kommer selfølgelig til å være B-shots som vi ikke skal bruke til langfilmen, dette er noe vi gjør for å gjøre langfilmen mer spennende å se på. Stian Stræte kommer til å hjelpe meg mye med ulike Grapics osv. Mer info kommer senere!
Piz chris
Vi dro tilbake til den railen vi hitta sist, den downrailen ved Lerkendal Stadion. Vi tok med litt mer lys nå siden linsa jeg har på kameraet suger i dårlig lys. Jeg kom dit litt før de andre, Magnus og Julian kom etter 30 min og Kasper med bussen senere. Etter sist session har det dumpa sykt mye snø i byen. Kom en 20-25 cm på ei natt liksom, sykt digg! Og en enda bedre ting, Vassfjellet åpner i helga og det kommer til å klikke!
Og jeg har bestilt en ny linse til kameraet som skal være ganske smud i dårlig lys, det er 50mm fast optikk så den kommer til å brukes mye til street filming.
Og vi fant to nye rails, en helt insane stor dub kink og en jævla fet downrail til drop. Så neste målet er å kapre de railsa på film og få tatt noen bilder.
Her er noen bilder fra Lerkendal:
Set up:
Det kommer langfilm i år, men vi kommer til å droppe et par edits fra ulike sessions vi har hatt igjennom sessongen. Dette kommer selfølgelig til å være B-shots som vi ikke skal bruke til langfilmen, dette er noe vi gjør for å gjøre langfilmen mer spennende å se på. Stian Stræte kommer til å hjelpe meg mye med ulike Grapics osv. Mer info kommer senere!
Piz chris
søndag 7. november 2010
Urban #2
Hei igjen, i går kom det nok snø til at vi kunne ta en urban rail som vi hadde snakket om på forhånd. Vi dro til Lerkendal rundt 16-17 tiden, og begynte straks å spa kicker osv. Magnus og Julian kom etter en stund, og det tok ikke lang tid før Magnus stompa den første blindside 270 av first try. Vi kjørte i 2 timer tror jeg, Magnus fikk en hel haug med shots, blindside 4, frontside 4av og K-fed osv. Jeg fikk frontside 4 og blindside 4av og noe annet fett. Dette er en rail vi har tatt de tre siste sessongene, den er fet og det er alltid noe nytt å sette på den.
Her er et bilde:
Og i natt har det kommet over 20 cm snø, og det snør tett i tett enda så nå tror jeg sessongen er ordentlig i gang.
Piz chris
Her er et bilde:
Og i natt har det kommet over 20 cm snø, og det snør tett i tett enda så nå tror jeg sessongen er ordentlig i gang.
Piz chris
søndag 24. oktober 2010
Sessongen er i gang
Nå er sessongen ordentlig i gang, eller ikke helt. Snøen som kom forsvant så fort den kom, men jeg og Magnus Rønning rakk akkurat å kjøre en session på en 10 m downrail på Rotvoll. Det var utrolig fett å kjøre urban igjen etter alt for mange sessions på plastrør i høst.
Her er noen bilder:
og med det samme. Jeg har en fin beskjed her om dagen, for 1 måned siden sendte jeg søknad til Frifond for penger til årets produksjon, og for 1 uke siden ringte frifond for å fortelle meg at de innviglet 6000 kr til årets produksjon.
Kasper Eriksen har ordnet en avtale med Meråker alpinsenter angående deres nye park og oss. Han har fått en avtale som sier at vi får 5-7 heiskort * 10 dager, noe som tilsvarer 50-70 heiskort iløpet av sessongen. Ta turen innom Meråker i vinter, parken kommer til å bli en av Trøndelags beste!
Og tilslutt så har jeg begynt å snakke med Vassfjellet angående en avtale tilsvarende den som vi fikk med Meråker. Så vi får se hva vi får til svar der, eneste vi vet er at det er en ny daglig leder og da kan det være håpe for oss jibbere!
Ellers har jeg oppdatert bloggen med ny header osv, så jeg begynner å bli forberedt på en ny sessong. Eneste som gjenstår er noe kamerautstyr som jeg stresser litt med.
Nå er sessongen ordentlig i gang, eller ikke helt. Snøen som kom forsvant så fort den kom, men jeg og Magnus Rønning rakk akkurat å kjøre en session på en 10 m downrail på Rotvoll. Det var utrolig fett å kjøre urban igjen etter alt for mange sessions på plastrør i høst.
Her er noen bilder:
og med det samme. Jeg har en fin beskjed her om dagen, for 1 måned siden sendte jeg søknad til Frifond for penger til årets produksjon, og for 1 uke siden ringte frifond for å fortelle meg at de innviglet 6000 kr til årets produksjon.
Kasper Eriksen har ordnet en avtale med Meråker alpinsenter angående deres nye park og oss. Han har fått en avtale som sier at vi får 5-7 heiskort * 10 dager, noe som tilsvarer 50-70 heiskort iløpet av sessongen. Ta turen innom Meråker i vinter, parken kommer til å bli en av Trøndelags beste!
Og tilslutt så har jeg begynt å snakke med Vassfjellet angående en avtale tilsvarende den som vi fikk med Meråker. Så vi får se hva vi får til svar der, eneste vi vet er at det er en ny daglig leder og da kan det være håpe for oss jibbere!
Ellers har jeg oppdatert bloggen med ny header osv, så jeg begynner å bli forberedt på en ny sessong. Eneste som gjenstår er noe kamerautstyr som jeg stresser litt med.
søndag 10. oktober 2010
Make it happen 2010
Well, the skiseason is not here yet, but I found out that a pre-season competion called ''Make it happen'' were going down in Østersund this weekend. And we went there right away.
Make it happen is a railjam tour created by Steepstore, Steepstore is a sweedish store that sales hoodies etc. This year it is 4 stops around in Sweeden and the winner of each jam would get the chance to compet with the other winners in the big final. The final is in Klappen, scandinavians best ski resort. But it's also an online video qualification for thoose who couldn't make it to any of the stops.
Anyway, the railsetup in Østersund was good, it was a flatbox and a flatdown box (kinkbox). It was 50 people that competed for a gold ticket to the final, both skiers and boarders. Magnus and I liked the flatdown box a lot and we went pretty crazy on that. Magnus stomped some crazy tricks and combos, I tried to step it up and I'm satisfied with the railjam. At the end the judges took out 8 skiers to compete in the local final. Magnus came in this group with a lot of swedish skiers as Frej Jønson, Victor Hørnfeldt and a sick skiier called Sakarias Majander. Almost everyone failed in the final, but Steepstore rider Frej Jønson put down some steezy tricks and he got the final ticket. I think it's awsome that Steepstore made this event happend, we should totally have something like this in Norway to! Anyway, it was a sick weekend! Totally worth it.
Btw Gina skied very vell, she did a 270on to swup on the flatbox and she tried swup on the flatdown box.
Here is some pics from the weekend:
onsdag 29. september 2010
Waterjump and new camera
Hi, the winter is not here yet, but I think it will come really soon.
Anyway, Vegard Øye picked me up and we drove to Torbustaden were the waterramp is. Actually, this local freestyle school in Trondheim (Rødde) has buildt the waterramp.
Here is the edit:
Vegard Øye
Julian Werkland
Christer Mathisen
AND I bougth a new camera, the Canon 550D. And I got to say, it's incredible. The film modus is so amazing, the 50fps makes the slowmo so perfect and the colors are so damn fine. It's easy to use and it's great! I'm really looking forward to the snow, and I cant wait to hit urbans.
Piz Chris.
Anyway, Vegard Øye picked me up and we drove to Torbustaden were the waterramp is. Actually, this local freestyle school in Trondheim (Rødde) has buildt the waterramp.
Here is the edit:
Vegard Øye
Julian Werkland
Christer Mathisen
AND I bougth a new camera, the Canon 550D. And I got to say, it's incredible. The film modus is so amazing, the 50fps makes the slowmo so perfect and the colors are so damn fine. It's easy to use and it's great! I'm really looking forward to the snow, and I cant wait to hit urbans.
Piz Chris.
onsdag 8. september 2010
and it's on again
Yea, you heard right, nothing is better then pre-season. So far we've been shredding 3 times in Yarden. Really funny and it's good rail training. It's so good to learn rail tricks in the autumn so u can shred the same tricks in the winter like it was no biggy.
Here are the edits:
vol 1
vol 2
vol 3
Here are the edits:
vol 1
vol 2
vol 3
onsdag 30. juni 2010
Yea it's over..
Well, skiseason is over and it's sucks. I really wanna ski on snow all year around.
As u might have noticed I've been put up edits everyday from Juvass but I made two more.
Here is my self edit from Juvass:
Thanks to my personal sponsors for making this season the best ever!
And here is the Super edit named '' CALIFORNIA GIRLS AT JUVASS''
Well, the snow season is over that doesn't mean that we cant ski for a time. We still got a summer set-up to finish before we can hit it, but watch out for more edits from that!
piz Chris
As u might have noticed I've been put up edits everyday from Juvass but I made two more.
Here is my self edit from Juvass:
Thanks to my personal sponsors for making this season the best ever!
And here is the Super edit named '' CALIFORNIA GIRLS AT JUVASS''
Well, the snow season is over that doesn't mean that we cant ski for a time. We still got a summer set-up to finish before we can hit it, but watch out for more edits from that!
piz Chris
lørdag 26. juni 2010
Juvass day 5 and 6
Day 5 was not so dope, we filmed nothing cause of the weather. but still had a great time.
Day 6: Sunny but windy, but here is the edit from today:
Day 6: Sunny but windy, but here is the edit from today:
torsdag 24. juni 2010
Youwas day 4
We woke up a bit later this morning, pretty tierd after last night. I've lost my helmet so I've been cruisin' without helmet for 2 days. sucks but hey. The park here is amazing, smooth jumps and a funny rail line.
here is todays edit:
here is todays edit:
onsdag 23. juni 2010
Youwas day 3
Yeah, we got our crib last night and it wasn't that dope that we expected it would be. No tv and small. I had to share bed with Julian, yea..But in the end it was worth it.
We woke up to blue skys and sunny weather, we were all stoked and we drove up to Juvass a little later. Last night Vegard, Henrik and Sindre showed up and we moved in with them. It was their first day today so they took it easy. Well here is todays edit.
We woke up to blue skys and sunny weather, we were all stoked and we drove up to Juvass a little later. Last night Vegard, Henrik and Sindre showed up and we moved in with them. It was their first day today so they took it easy. Well here is todays edit.
Youwas day 3 from christer mathisen on Vimeo.
tirsdag 22. juni 2010
Juvass day 2
yeah, day 2 is over, soon. We're actually moving out from our ghetto crib today cause the rest of the guys are coming. Looking forward to that, only a few hours left.
We went to the glacier around 09 30 this morning, started to shred from there and out. We had a great jump session early today, the sun was shining and we had a great time. After that the clouds came in over the glacier and that sucked cause we had to rail when we were unstoked. But we got some shots there and after Julian almost killed himself with a misty 540 out of the rainbow bow, he stomped it after a couple of tries. Sick boy, cant belive it. Just see the edit downunder and you will understand what I mean.
We went to the glacier around 09 30 this morning, started to shred from there and out. We had a great jump session early today, the sun was shining and we had a great time. After that the clouds came in over the glacier and that sucked cause we had to rail when we were unstoked. But we got some shots there and after Julian almost killed himself with a misty 540 out of the rainbow bow, he stomped it after a couple of tries. Sick boy, cant belive it. Just see the edit downunder and you will understand what I mean.
Juvass day 2 from christer mathisen on Vimeo.
mandag 21. juni 2010
Juvass day 1
yeah, arrived yesterday with Julian. Got up super-early today, bought breakfast etc. Then grabbed the bus up to the glacier. It was blue sky and hot in the air. The park was amazing, almost like last year. The difference was that the jumps were smaller but you got a better hangtime cause of the kick. three black jumps in a line and a pretty funny rail line.
this is the edit from today: Day 1
already lookin forward tomorrow! Stay tuned
this is the edit from today: Day 1
Juvass day 1 from christer mathisen on Vimeo.
already lookin forward tomorrow! Stay tuned
mandag 14. juni 2010
yeah summertime..
Yeah, long time since last time I wrote something here. We're going to Juvass summerski resort next weekend. I'm so stoked, it was so dope last year. Bluebird all day. And I will buy a laptop very soon so I can put up edits to you when we're at Juvass. And I made a teaser/trailer for a while ago.
And I will be editing this season edit at Juvass. I think it will be 10-15 minuts with hardcore skiing with different styles and skiing.
Vegard Hokstad
Hågen Sagli Moe
Magnus Rønning
Julian Werkland
Christer Mathisen
Erlend Viken
and more
I will update you everyday at Juvass. Looking forward to that. And I will bring up pictures and edits!!
piz Chris
And I will be editing this season edit at Juvass. I think it will be 10-15 minuts with hardcore skiing with different styles and skiing.
Vegard Hokstad
Hågen Sagli Moe
Magnus Rønning
Julian Werkland
Christer Mathisen
Erlend Viken
and more
I will update you everyday at Juvass. Looking forward to that. And I will bring up pictures and edits!!
piz Chris
mandag 3. mai 2010
Finished up my season
Yaw, winter season is over and it sucks. But summerskiings is coming up in about 1 and a half month. You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to that, to shred with Casper and Hawgen again. So long time since..
I posted my promo last week, so here it is:
I posted my promo last week, so here it is:
christer Mathisen Promo 2010 from christer mathisen on Vimeo.
onsdag 21. april 2010
Åre and Åre and Åre
onsdag 7. april 2010
Insane day in Are
Hi, I almost missed the bus from my school to Are this morning, sketchy.
We arrived Are early today and I changed clothes very fast so I was the first to grab the lift. Headed straigt over to the park, it was ice hard! I hot 3 laps before I hooked up with Stian Wold. The sky opened up and the sun was shinin', that made the landings really slushy so it was on fire. Stian killed it big 9s on the first jump and some new stylish flip, kinda late rodeo 5 I think. More like a 180 to a backflip but in a smooth rotation. I took a long and slow backflip on the 2nd jump, really stoked on backflips, It's so fun! I also took a big 9 nose on the 1st jump, but I'm more stoked on the backflip actually. haha. We drove the to first jump then headed over to the railline, gotta say it, KILLED IT! It was so fun today, learned blind 450 of boxes and a sick combo on the flatbox. frontside swup blindside swup 270 off, really funny to Pretzle and Snitzle the box. Haha. Then we ate taco to lunch, epic!
Piz Chris
We arrived Are early today and I changed clothes very fast so I was the first to grab the lift. Headed straigt over to the park, it was ice hard! I hot 3 laps before I hooked up with Stian Wold. The sky opened up and the sun was shinin', that made the landings really slushy so it was on fire. Stian killed it big 9s on the first jump and some new stylish flip, kinda late rodeo 5 I think. More like a 180 to a backflip but in a smooth rotation. I took a long and slow backflip on the 2nd jump, really stoked on backflips, It's so fun! I also took a big 9 nose on the 1st jump, but I'm more stoked on the backflip actually. haha. We drove the to first jump then headed over to the railline, gotta say it, KILLED IT! It was so fun today, learned blind 450 of boxes and a sick combo on the flatbox. frontside swup blindside swup 270 off, really funny to Pretzle and Snitzle the box. Haha. Then we ate taco to lunch, epic!
Piz Chris
tirsdag 6. april 2010
Awsome 3hour shred
Yaw, drove up to Vassfjellet on my scooter. Nasty. haha.
It was super fun today, slushy and everybody was killin it. I stomped a big cork 9 and a sw 5 japan on the only jump Vassfjellet are shaping. And they have set one of their boxes out the last kicker as a canon box. I stomped 630 out really hard but didn't get it on tape. I got a 450 out on tape but hey, it was fun anyway. Julian tried out some misty shit. Crazy rider fo'sho.
We're going to Are tomorrow, really stoked. Cant wait to shred 4 black jumps in a line again. Dreampark it is!
piz Chris
It was super fun today, slushy and everybody was killin it. I stomped a big cork 9 and a sw 5 japan on the only jump Vassfjellet are shaping. And they have set one of their boxes out the last kicker as a canon box. I stomped 630 out really hard but didn't get it on tape. I got a 450 out on tape but hey, it was fun anyway. Julian tried out some misty shit. Crazy rider fo'sho.
We're going to Are tomorrow, really stoked. Cant wait to shred 4 black jumps in a line again. Dreampark it is!
piz Chris
mandag 5. april 2010
Easter'n 2010
Fuck, school is on tomorrow. Really fucked up but I had the best vacation ever!
In the first part of the vacation I was sick, I'm still a bit sick but HEY. When I was sick I had a chill time with some friends. On Wedensday I took the train with Casper to Are, Sweeden. Met some boys up there and we had a great time. Took the train back again, jumped off at Storlien. The next days we went on snowmobile trips all over Storlien's mountains. And on Saturday I went to Are again. Mari and Espen picked me up early. It was totally bluebird and the park was amazing! I had the best time of my life there. Leared sw 9 and underflip on the 2nd jump in the black line. The kicker was hard and the landings were soft. Really good conditions! Julian tried out the Kengaroo flip and ended up at the hospital.. Went back to Storlien again, Ate really good food with Agnethe's family. It was so chill, loved it!
Went to Vassfjellet today, haha. Kinda gaper day, I brought my snowboard without snowboard boots. I took some jumps and railed pretty good. 5050 to frontside nosepress etc. really funny.
We filmed a lot in Åre. I will post the edit when it's done.
Piz Chris
In the first part of the vacation I was sick, I'm still a bit sick but HEY. When I was sick I had a chill time with some friends. On Wedensday I took the train with Casper to Are, Sweeden. Met some boys up there and we had a great time. Took the train back again, jumped off at Storlien. The next days we went on snowmobile trips all over Storlien's mountains. And on Saturday I went to Are again. Mari and Espen picked me up early. It was totally bluebird and the park was amazing! I had the best time of my life there. Leared sw 9 and underflip on the 2nd jump in the black line. The kicker was hard and the landings were soft. Really good conditions! Julian tried out the Kengaroo flip and ended up at the hospital.. Went back to Storlien again, Ate really good food with Agnethe's family. It was so chill, loved it!
Went to Vassfjellet today, haha. Kinda gaper day, I brought my snowboard without snowboard boots. I took some jumps and railed pretty good. 5050 to frontside nosepress etc. really funny.
We filmed a lot in Åre. I will post the edit when it's done.
Piz Chris
lørdag 27. mars 2010
Ait so, long time since..
In the last weeks we've been shooting two urban/street sessions. A downrail with gap on the side, brought 3 lights and it was so much snow that we had to dig out the rail.
All got a shot or two, really pumped session.
The other session was a Down-flat-down in my Neighbourhood. Julian and I went there and we got a shot.
And some days before that Vegard Øye and I went to Vassfjellet a afternoon, slush as hell. I did a Backflip again, really funny. Then I learned sw 7 nosemute. Looking forward to get mutegrab in all my tricks, haha. It's so hard...
well, here is some pics from the first session
In the last weeks we've been shooting two urban/street sessions. A downrail with gap on the side, brought 3 lights and it was so much snow that we had to dig out the rail.
All got a shot or two, really pumped session.
The other session was a Down-flat-down in my Neighbourhood. Julian and I went there and we got a shot.
And some days before that Vegard Øye and I went to Vassfjellet a afternoon, slush as hell. I did a Backflip again, really funny. Then I learned sw 7 nosemute. Looking forward to get mutegrab in all my tricks, haha. It's so hard...
well, here is some pics from the first session
tirsdag 9. mars 2010
Finally a bit soft
This winter has been different from others, like -20 celsius degrees from early Desember to the end of Mars. But this week it's been raining and we went to Vassfjellet again. Grabbed the bus with Magz and Mari, Vegz showed up a bit later. We filmed a little bit today, I got a few shots on the rails (unatty k-fed on a dobbel kink, lip 270 on swup on a downbox and 270 on a thin downrail) stoked on that for shure! I also got a few tricks on the jumps, cork 9 to perfect landing and I learned the Mute grab today. haha. Thats true, I've never done a mute grab before, which is the simplest grab to everybody else. It was a really good day, everybody was stoked!
Vegz put down a nice rodeo 5 japan and Magz landed cork 7 with mute. Really nice day!
And we're filming a lot theese days so I grabbed out some pics from the shoots we got and here you go:
Vegz put down a nice rodeo 5 japan and Magz landed cork 7 with mute. Really nice day!
And we're filming a lot theese days so I grabbed out some pics from the shoots we got and here you go:
søndag 7. mars 2010
Long time since
hi, sorry for being lazy with updating my blog, but life is kinda stressfull sometimes. Anyway, after I came back from Hafjell I went up to Storlien. Took the morning train up there, and I met Agnethe on the station. We went over to her house and I jumped in the bed at once. Really tierd after all the travveling. When I woke up, we grabbed her snowmobile and went for a trip with some friends of her. We went to the hill just a few hours the next day, stoked o meter was low.
When I finally came back home on Sunday, I looked forward to shred Vassfjellet again.
On Saturday I brougt my camera with me, we filmed a lot of cool stuff. The park is sick now, really funny to ride.
I'm looking forward to the spring which is coming up really soon, when the snow would be more soft and juicy. Then it's time to learn new tricks!
I will bring up a edit really soon, maybe it will come to the weekend.
piz chris.
When I finally came back home on Sunday, I looked forward to shred Vassfjellet again.
On Saturday I brougt my camera with me, we filmed a lot of cool stuff. The park is sick now, really funny to ride.
I'm looking forward to the spring which is coming up really soon, when the snow would be more soft and juicy. Then it's time to learn new tricks!
I will bring up a edit really soon, maybe it will come to the weekend.
piz chris.
onsdag 24. februar 2010
Hafjell day 3
Hi, I went a bit later today, cause we planned to shred all day long. Got there around 12 00. Casper and his class showed up around 13 30. It was blubird and pretty nice today. Brought my camera but the battery was empty.. Fuck it!
Went over the to Roger'n, the big jump arena in Hafjell. It was a pertty good buildt jump with good hangtime and a long deep landing. I had some trouble with my skis today cause I fucked up my binding last night. But Kasper and Sjur stepped up with big 9's and rodeo 1080.
We ate at Egon restaurant, and now we're going up Stampesletta to hit some rails
piz chris.
Went over the to Roger'n, the big jump arena in Hafjell. It was a pertty good buildt jump with good hangtime and a long deep landing. I had some trouble with my skis today cause I fucked up my binding last night. But Kasper and Sjur stepped up with big 9's and rodeo 1080.
We ate at Egon restaurant, and now we're going up Stampesletta to hit some rails
piz chris.
tirsdag 23. februar 2010
Hafjell day 2
Hi, went to Hafjell a bit later today, didn't woke up when I supposed to do. Grabbed the bus 10 20, I had some trouble with the bus driver today also, I got 15 kr in my pocket and he needed 21 kr but I got on bus in the end..
It was good weather early today but the nice weather turned bad. Casper showed up with his class around 13 00 and the bad weather came in. Got 3 laps with him before I decided to go home. Drove the same tricks as I did last night.
It's supposed to be great weather tomorrow and we're going to shred all day long! I will bring my camera so we can film some laps.
My goal now is to get into the Swedish Jic academy final in Gesunda 20.mars. WWW.FREERIDE.SE has open a video submission for thoose who didn't went to the stops around in Sweden.
piz chris
It was good weather early today but the nice weather turned bad. Casper showed up with his class around 13 00 and the bad weather came in. Got 3 laps with him before I decided to go home. Drove the same tricks as I did last night.
It's supposed to be great weather tomorrow and we're going to shred all day long! I will bring my camera so we can film some laps.
My goal now is to get into the Swedish Jic academy final in Gesunda 20.mars. WWW.FREERIDE.SE has open a video submission for thoose who didn't went to the stops around in Sweden.
piz chris
mandag 22. februar 2010
Hafjell day 1
Hi, went to Hafjell alone today. Casper was going to school early but I slept a little longer. Grabbed the bus 09 20 from Lillehammer, arrived around 09 40 at Hafjell. I borrowed casper's season card, I'm trying to save as much money that I can on this trip. Well the park was amazing, I drove maybe around 20 laps today. Really funny to shred alone sometimes. I leared a new trick today (learned it over again), cork 7. I've been struggeling on getting out of the cork rotation. The trick was so carve a lot on the kicker, then throw my left shoulder down a little bit and go after the blunt. Stomped it really hard around 10 of 12 tries. The two tries I didn't land on a 7 went to a cork 9. hehe. Stoked about that, really fun to carve on the kicker. It looks better on film and I feel it's more comfertabel. I also landed a big sw 7 blunt on the third jump in the black line. I drove mostly the red line, 2 jumps in a row. Then to the hang out spot, into the third jump and down to the banana box and over to the railpark.
the run I drove mostly today was
1st jump: Sw 540 japan/blunt
2nd jump: 5 dobbel tail
3rd jump: cork 720/900
banana box: 450 out
kink box: blindside sw up
dobbel kink: k-fed.
It was really fun!
I took some pics of the park, I will upload them a little later since I have no idea how to get them over to the computer from my selfphone. bluetooth aint workin
piz chris
søndag 21. februar 2010
Vinter vacation
hi, today was one of my badest day on skis. Drove up to Oppdal with Vegard and Casper, Vegard's lil'bro throw up in the car. It was nasty for shure, but we came to the registration a little late. The Salomon jib academy was on fire, we showed up with wrong papirs and everyting. They didn't had our names on the list, but in the end we got ours bibs. It was so cold, we had no feelings in our hands and feets. Sucks!
The park was so bad, I hate Oppdal! It's allways fucked up weather and bad conditions.
But I gave up early today, I didn't wanna push the limit cause I'm going to shred Hafjell all week long. I'm at Lillehammer now, going to hit the park every day I think. Really pumped for this week, I have a few trick I wanna learn. I will post a few clips if I stick something new. I forgot my camera charger but I think it will turn out good.
Well, watch out for a daily update this vacation. Maybe some pics to, I know it ain't funny to just read all this.
piz chris
The park was so bad, I hate Oppdal! It's allways fucked up weather and bad conditions.
But I gave up early today, I didn't wanna push the limit cause I'm going to shred Hafjell all week long. I'm at Lillehammer now, going to hit the park every day I think. Really pumped for this week, I have a few trick I wanna learn. I will post a few clips if I stick something new. I forgot my camera charger but I think it will turn out good.
Well, watch out for a daily update this vacation. Maybe some pics to, I know it ain't funny to just read all this.
piz chris
tirsdag 16. februar 2010
Funny day in Vassfjellet
Yeah, today I grabbed the bus alone, but at Moholt I got company with a bunch of peoples. 10 students from Chile came on board. They talked so laud and fucked up my bus trip totally. I turned up the volume on my mp3 but I still heard them talking. I had pain in my head when I arrived Vassfjellet...
Anyway I met Vegard Hokstad, my best friend. He learned a new grab today, double tail ( both hands on one ski). He did it so clean, props. I drove mostly sw 5s but in the end I stomped sw 7 tail, really stoked actually cause the conditions today sucked, pure ice with bad snow on the top. Killed the new rails and we were pumped all day. Steffen Berg showed up to, he's 14 years old and kills it! Sw 7 mute like it was nothing and a huge 7 mute at the ''big jump''. He's very cool to shred with for shure. Edit coming up soon!
piz chris
Anyway I met Vegard Hokstad, my best friend. He learned a new grab today, double tail ( both hands on one ski). He did it so clean, props. I drove mostly sw 5s but in the end I stomped sw 7 tail, really stoked actually cause the conditions today sucked, pure ice with bad snow on the top. Killed the new rails and we were pumped all day. Steffen Berg showed up to, he's 14 years old and kills it! Sw 7 mute like it was nothing and a huge 7 mute at the ''big jump''. He's very cool to shred with for shure. Edit coming up soon!
piz chris
torsdag 11. februar 2010
Another day in Vassfjellet
Hi, the park in Vassfjellet is sick now!
The new rails was totally epic, the pipeliner kink was so good!
I sticked sex change on it, pretty satisfied on that, also 270 from the side on the new downbox. Sexchange on the big dobbel kink and a few hits on ''the dunk''. On jumps I drove 5s. Sw 5 with japan is easier now then before, also 5 dobbel tail is in! On the new jib box I put down 630 on 450 off, got it on tape I think. There was a friend of Erlend viken who brought his Gopro HD up to Vassfjellet, so I'm looking forward to see if he got some shots.
Tomorrow is going to be a chill day, no skiing. Gotta be in good shape for the weekend, Snowshow is coming up. Good prizes and comps so I'm stoked!
piz chris
The new rails was totally epic, the pipeliner kink was so good!
I sticked sex change on it, pretty satisfied on that, also 270 from the side on the new downbox. Sexchange on the big dobbel kink and a few hits on ''the dunk''. On jumps I drove 5s. Sw 5 with japan is easier now then before, also 5 dobbel tail is in! On the new jib box I put down 630 on 450 off, got it on tape I think. There was a friend of Erlend viken who brought his Gopro HD up to Vassfjellet, so I'm looking forward to see if he got some shots.
Tomorrow is going to be a chill day, no skiing. Gotta be in good shape for the weekend, Snowshow is coming up. Good prizes and comps so I'm stoked!
piz chris
onsdag 10. februar 2010
3days in Vassfjellet
Yeah! So this is what I've been up to the last 3 days.
I've been shredding Vassfjellet for 3days no. Learned a few tricks, 540 double tailgrab. If you didn't know it's 2 ways to do a double tailgrab, 1) Both hands on one ski or your left hand on your left ski and so on. I've learned the second one, really stoked on that. And I'm working on my switch tricks, put down some nice sw 5 japan and tailgrab today.
The park:
Today some local heroes closed up the park, and set up 3-4 new rails. I cant wait to hit them, a big pipecleaner kink rail, a big double kink and a canon box. Also a big jib box below. Some jumps are actually good now, big enough to do 9's etc. GOGOGO vassfjellet!
piz chris
I've been shredding Vassfjellet for 3days no. Learned a few tricks, 540 double tailgrab. If you didn't know it's 2 ways to do a double tailgrab, 1) Both hands on one ski or your left hand on your left ski and so on. I've learned the second one, really stoked on that. And I'm working on my switch tricks, put down some nice sw 5 japan and tailgrab today.
The park:
Today some local heroes closed up the park, and set up 3-4 new rails. I cant wait to hit them, a big pipecleaner kink rail, a big double kink and a canon box. Also a big jib box below. Some jumps are actually good now, big enough to do 9's etc. GOGOGO vassfjellet!
piz chris
tirsdag 9. februar 2010
new skis
onsdag 3. februar 2010
Rødde Railjam 10
hi, tonight was awsome! We picked up Vegard at Moholt and drove right up to Rødde. It was a staircase with 3 different downrails on, a dobbel kink and a wave.
In the Jam I sticked 270s on the flat bar, blindside sw up 270 off the downbox and some other shit. Anyway I made it to the finals. It was a bunch of skiers and only eight could reach the final. I came in head 2 head with my good friend Magnus Rønning, that was totally fucked up. He put down a NICE 450 on the flatbar, I realized that I had no change to top that so I took a 270 on the flatbar. I wanted to take 270 pretzle 270 but I didn't had it..
Magnus placed 3rd, really stoked on him. He is very good at rails, GO MAGZ!
Well, I will post a link from friflyt.no when they post their report about the railjam. I think I got some points today, I'm not sure but it was fun anyway!
piz Chris
In the Jam I sticked 270s on the flat bar, blindside sw up 270 off the downbox and some other shit. Anyway I made it to the finals. It was a bunch of skiers and only eight could reach the final. I came in head 2 head with my good friend Magnus Rønning, that was totally fucked up. He put down a NICE 450 on the flatbar, I realized that I had no change to top that so I took a 270 on the flatbar. I wanted to take 270 pretzle 270 but I didn't had it..
Magnus placed 3rd, really stoked on him. He is very good at rails, GO MAGZ!
Well, I will post a link from friflyt.no when they post their report about the railjam. I think I got some points today, I'm not sure but it was fun anyway!
piz Chris
mandag 1. februar 2010
Pretty good day at Vassfjellet
Hi, today was a much better day than last night. Grabbed the bus after school with Henrik and Magz. Julian came a little later, and then it was on.
It was really cold and not so soft but I'm really after this evening.
I forgot my bag with helmet and goggles at home so I had to borrow a old ski racing helmet from the shop, It was so PIMP. (haha)
I landed a blindside 450 off a little canonbox, a key fed on the shot out rail, and some other stuff.
I also landed a couple 720 with tail, got good style in it so I'm satisfied with that. I don't know what I'm doing wrong in my switch tricks, It's so frustrating. I got to step it up a little bit, I only landed one sw 5 today. At Hafjell earlier this year I landed many sw 5's and 7's..
We're going to Rødde tomorrow, to hit the rails there. It's a new railjam on Wedensday, I really wanna get into the finals this time!
piz chris
It was really cold and not so soft but I'm really after this evening.
I forgot my bag with helmet and goggles at home so I had to borrow a old ski racing helmet from the shop, It was so PIMP. (haha)
I landed a blindside 450 off a little canonbox, a key fed on the shot out rail, and some other stuff.
I also landed a couple 720 with tail, got good style in it so I'm satisfied with that. I don't know what I'm doing wrong in my switch tricks, It's so frustrating. I got to step it up a little bit, I only landed one sw 5 today. At Hafjell earlier this year I landed many sw 5's and 7's..
We're going to Rødde tomorrow, to hit the rails there. It's a new railjam on Wedensday, I really wanna get into the finals this time!
piz chris
søndag 31. januar 2010
Vassfjellet 31.01.10
Hi, pretty lazy day in Vassfjellet. Everybody were unstoked when we showed up, dont know why but some days are fucked up and other are epic. Cruised around in the new park, really hard jumps and sketchy rails. Hate it!
well, I hope that tomorrow will be a better day and ''The mission for the week'' is sw 9. Right now I'm so pist, I really wanna be good at jumps! This week will be painfull, but worth it!
See you around.
well, I hope that tomorrow will be a better day and ''The mission for the week'' is sw 9. Right now I'm so pist, I really wanna be good at jumps! This week will be painfull, but worth it!
See you around.
lørdag 30. januar 2010
Oppdal railjam 2010
Last Wedensday we took a day off from school. Vegard, Simen and me took the morning-train down to Oppdal. Came to Oppdal around 10 20, bought lift card and started to shred the park. It was a little bit of snow there, and the park was not good. but their rails was awesome, the battleship, flatbar and long flatbox was epic. It started to snow pretty much and the wind started to get more and more powerfull later on the day. But the rail-area looked good and we checked that out before we ate dinner. It was a kink box with a kicker in the front and on the sides, and a 9 meter long downrail with kicker on the sides. I decided to shred the downrail, cause that was hardest and I'm safe at 270 from the sides etc.
Under the competitions I drove pretty well, I drove actually a little safe. I felt that I hold back some tricks
270 on the downrail
frontside sw up on the downrail
Blindside sw up on the downrail
Sex change on the downrail
180 to slide 270 off the kinkbox
270 and lip 270 on the kinkbox.
I didn't make it to the final, but my friend Simen did. He learned the 450 blind 270 off the kink box earlier that day, and he stomped it in the prelims. Vegard slammed his head in the ground and lost his mind. He dropped out after fallin' all day long, he sticked everything earlier but when the comp started he fell on everything he tried.
Henrik came a little later but he put down a switch 270 pz 270 on the downrail. He's so tech when it comes to downrails.
Many of us was not satisfied with the judging, Henrik and me saw that the judges turned their backs on the one rail when a skier was going for it. But I think everybody except Vegard was satisfied with their own performances.
Rødde Railjam is on Wedensday, and I'm going to do everything to get in the finals!
piz Chris
Under the competitions I drove pretty well, I drove actually a little safe. I felt that I hold back some tricks
270 on the downrail
frontside sw up on the downrail
Blindside sw up on the downrail
Sex change on the downrail
180 to slide 270 off the kinkbox
270 and lip 270 on the kinkbox.
I didn't make it to the final, but my friend Simen did. He learned the 450 blind 270 off the kink box earlier that day, and he stomped it in the prelims. Vegard slammed his head in the ground and lost his mind. He dropped out after fallin' all day long, he sticked everything earlier but when the comp started he fell on everything he tried.
Henrik came a little later but he put down a switch 270 pz 270 on the downrail. He's so tech when it comes to downrails.
Many of us was not satisfied with the judging, Henrik and me saw that the judges turned their backs on the one rail when a skier was going for it. But I think everybody except Vegard was satisfied with their own performances.
Rødde Railjam is on Wedensday, and I'm going to do everything to get in the finals!
piz Chris
mandag 25. januar 2010
2 days in Are, Sweeden
Hi, the last weekend was epic, even that the black line with jumps was closed..
But the railpark was totally worth it anyway.
this is our summery:
And the competition-season is starting now, first up is Oppdal railjam! Really pumped on railjams since that is what I'm good at. I need to get jumping skills for shure, I found out that my skis are broken, the edge's are ripped off and that is why I've been struggling with the speed the last month.
piz chris
But the railpark was totally worth it anyway.
this is our summery:
And the competition-season is starting now, first up is Oppdal railjam! Really pumped on railjams since that is what I'm good at. I need to get jumping skills for shure, I found out that my skis are broken, the edge's are ripped off and that is why I've been struggling with the speed the last month.
piz chris
tirsdag 19. januar 2010
finally speed again
It was a GREAT time tonight, a lot of good friends, and soft landings!
The macgyvern worked great, it was like a new feeling to hit it today then last week!
I drove huge 5's and 7's with different grabs, and in the end of the hill it's a bit smaller jump. I drove sw 5's and unatty 3's all day!
Really pumped day, I needed this day so bad!
piz chris!
Kasper is coming home for the weekend, cant wait! We're heading to Are, Sweeden or Vassfjellet, it depends on what Vegard's family will do.
It was a GREAT time tonight, a lot of good friends, and soft landings!
The macgyvern worked great, it was like a new feeling to hit it today then last week!
I drove huge 5's and 7's with different grabs, and in the end of the hill it's a bit smaller jump. I drove sw 5's and unatty 3's all day!
Really pumped day, I needed this day so bad!
piz chris!
Kasper is coming home for the weekend, cant wait! We're heading to Are, Sweeden or Vassfjellet, it depends on what Vegard's family will do.
søndag 17. januar 2010
Windy as hell
hi, it was bluebird and perfect conditions today, but the wind ruined everything for us! It was like a storm up in the park. It was to dangerous to hit the big jump, so we filmed a little bit on the dobbel kink that..
Magz and me grabbed the early bus today, and started to shoot the dobbel kink, he sticked sex change on his first hit, 1 shot in his bag for shure!
I worked on my 270s on the dobbel kink, but I didn't make it all down the rail.
But here is a shot from that:
We had a good time today, even that the conditions sucks. I will promise you that the dobbel kink will die soon. We are going to murder it, slowly!
piz chris
Magz and me grabbed the early bus today, and started to shoot the dobbel kink, he sticked sex change on his first hit, 1 shot in his bag for shure!
I worked on my 270s on the dobbel kink, but I didn't make it all down the rail.
But here is a shot from that:
We had a good time today, even that the conditions sucks. I will promise you that the dobbel kink will die soon. We are going to murder it, slowly!
piz chris
lørdag 16. januar 2010
edit #2
here is the second edit from vassfjellet skiresort this year
tried out some new color correctors, and I think it turned out good.
Tomorrow is the big film session day at Mavgyvern, I think it's going to be a great sess, bluebird and not so cold!
maybe I will upload some pictures tomorrow also
piz chris
tried out some new color correctors, and I think it turned out good.
Tomorrow is the big film session day at Mavgyvern, I think it's going to be a great sess, bluebird and not so cold!
maybe I will upload some pictures tomorrow also
piz chris
Vassfjellet jump sess
Ait so Vassfjellet just opened their biggest jump '' macgyvern''. It's a bit step down, but in the end I liked it. Low speed and a lot of falltime. The landing is also good, it was a bit soft today actually.
The park is going to be great this year, I cruised a few 5's today and some 450s on rails etc.
We filmed a little bit, and if the weather is good tomorrow we will try to shoot it seriously and get good shots for our movie this fall
piz chris
The park is going to be great this year, I cruised a few 5's today and some 450s on rails etc.
We filmed a little bit, and if the weather is good tomorrow we will try to shoot it seriously and get good shots for our movie this fall
piz chris
fredag 15. januar 2010
First cork 9 this year
pretty stoked on that, even that I didn't get any grab.
piz chris
btw, tomorrow we're going to Vassfjellet to shred, watch out for a crazy edit tomorrow!!
torsdag 14. januar 2010
onsdag 13. januar 2010
Evening at Vassfjellet
yaw, it was actually pretty funny tonight, it was not so cold but the ''big jump'' worked pretty well.
Took bus with Magz, Heinrich and some girls, it was a long bustrip fo'sho , like 40% of the bus was black peoples that never had been skiing before..
Well we met a bunch of friends up there, it was only 1 rail since they're building so much new elements nowadays. Everybody wanted to hit ''the one and only jump'' and the start area was full all the time.. sucks.
I drove a lot of cork 720's today, I've been only doing cork 9's so it's like a new trick to put down 7's. I tried out a new grab on my 7's, the japan. Landed it good once, but then I started to late cork it..
I also focused on my landings on my 5's. Did a bunch with grabs, octo, the hook, tail, japan etc. Really stoked when I stomped my landings pretty well.
I will bring my camera on Saturday, so you will see a new edit soon!
piz chris
Took bus with Magz, Heinrich and some girls, it was a long bustrip fo'sho , like 40% of the bus was black peoples that never had been skiing before..
Well we met a bunch of friends up there, it was only 1 rail since they're building so much new elements nowadays. Everybody wanted to hit ''the one and only jump'' and the start area was full all the time.. sucks.
I drove a lot of cork 720's today, I've been only doing cork 9's so it's like a new trick to put down 7's. I tried out a new grab on my 7's, the japan. Landed it good once, but then I started to late cork it..
I also focused on my landings on my 5's. Did a bunch with grabs, octo, the hook, tail, japan etc. Really stoked when I stomped my landings pretty well.
I will bring my camera on Saturday, so you will see a new edit soon!
piz chris
tirsdag 12. januar 2010
Urban again
Ait, last night Viken and me decided to hit urbans again , we were driving around scooping for features to hit, we found many different features, bomb drops and rails. But in the end, we decided to just hit a small downrail, it turned out to be a epic session.
Viken sticked 270off both ways, and he also lipped the rail, SKETCHY..
I sticked 270 off, blind 270 off, frontside swup, blindside swup, k-fed and blindside swup 270 off, so I got a bunch of good shots last night, really pumped on them!
And today, we went to Vassfjellet, the park is coming now! I had a bit trouble with the speed cause it's so cold outside, but I was close to stomp 270 on pretzle 450 off a box. Next time I will bring my camera and try to stick it!
piz chris
Viken sticked 270off both ways, and he also lipped the rail, SKETCHY..
I sticked 270 off, blind 270 off, frontside swup, blindside swup, k-fed and blindside swup 270 off, so I got a bunch of good shots last night, really pumped on them!
And today, we went to Vassfjellet, the park is coming now! I had a bit trouble with the speed cause it's so cold outside, but I was close to stomp 270 on pretzle 450 off a box. Next time I will bring my camera and try to stick it!
piz chris
søndag 10. januar 2010
first kink-hit this year
Hey folks!
Vegard, Magnus and me went for the famous dobbel-kink at Leangen tonight. Some retards had built a monster kicker and fucked up everything before we came there. We used around 1 hour to get things normal again. The kicker was perfect and inrun looked good, but then we realized that the speed was to low, and we tried everything to make it work..
It was like walking on a rail, and not sliding down on it, very wierd actually.
Magz got a shot, a switch up on the last kink, very stoked on him.
I think we will go for urbans tomorrow also, we're working hard to put together a strong street segment this year, very stoked to have so good urban skiers on board!
piz Chris
Vegard, Magnus and me went for the famous dobbel-kink at Leangen tonight. Some retards had built a monster kicker and fucked up everything before we came there. We used around 1 hour to get things normal again. The kicker was perfect and inrun looked good, but then we realized that the speed was to low, and we tried everything to make it work..
It was like walking on a rail, and not sliding down on it, very wierd actually.
Magz got a shot, a switch up on the last kink, very stoked on him.
I think we will go for urbans tomorrow also, we're working hard to put together a strong street segment this year, very stoked to have so good urban skiers on board!
piz Chris
torsdag 7. januar 2010
Urban night
Last night Henrik and me decided to rail some street rails. Long time since I've been with him so it was good to finally shred a little with him!
We found a smooth downrail last year, when our local newspapir ''Adressa'' filmed with us, we decided to hit it again. It was -20 degrees outside, but we were stoked anyway.
Henrik put down some stylish blindside 270 off, I sticked some frontside switch ups and K-fed or what it's called. It's a frontside switch up 270 off, really stoked on that!
I'll save the shots for our long movie, you have to wait to see the shots!
here is some pics from the session!
We found a smooth downrail last year, when our local newspapir ''Adressa'' filmed with us, we decided to hit it again. It was -20 degrees outside, but we were stoked anyway.
Henrik put down some stylish blindside 270 off, I sticked some frontside switch ups and K-fed or what it's called. It's a frontside switch up 270 off, really stoked on that!
I'll save the shots for our long movie, you have to wait to see the shots!
here is some pics from the session!
søndag 3. januar 2010
Åre pics
fredag 1. januar 2010
Back to Vassfjellet
Hi, it was not a good feeling to come back to Vassfjellet after 4 days in Åre.
Åre has a DREAMPARK, and that is 100% correct. It's like a dream to ride the black line with 4 jumps in one line with perfect shape and transitions etc. Vassfjellet is terrible now! I'm going to shoot urbans for a while, it's much better then riding Vassfjellet at the moment..
Well, it's a new year, really really stoked on that! 2010 is going to be a great year with a lot of shred and shoots!
stay tuned
piz chris
Åre has a DREAMPARK, and that is 100% correct. It's like a dream to ride the black line with 4 jumps in one line with perfect shape and transitions etc. Vassfjellet is terrible now! I'm going to shoot urbans for a while, it's much better then riding Vassfjellet at the moment..
Well, it's a new year, really really stoked on that! 2010 is going to be a great year with a lot of shred and shoots!
stay tuned
piz chris
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