Last Wedensday we took a day off from school. Vegard, Simen and me took the morning-train down to Oppdal. Came to Oppdal around 10 20, bought lift card and started to shred the park. It was a little bit of snow there, and the park was not good. but their rails was awesome, the battleship, flatbar and long flatbox was epic. It started to snow pretty much and the wind started to get more and more powerfull later on the day. But the rail-area looked good and we checked that out before we ate dinner. It was a kink box with a kicker in the front and on the sides, and a 9 meter long downrail with kicker on the sides. I decided to shred the downrail, cause that was hardest and I'm safe at 270 from the sides etc.
Under the competitions I drove pretty well, I drove actually a little safe. I felt that I hold back some tricks
270 on the downrail
frontside sw up on the downrail
Blindside sw up on the downrail
Sex change on the downrail
180 to slide 270 off the kinkbox
270 and lip 270 on the kinkbox.
I didn't make it to the final, but my friend Simen did. He learned the 450 blind 270 off the kink box earlier that day, and he stomped it in the prelims. Vegard slammed his head in the ground and lost his mind. He dropped out after fallin' all day long, he sticked everything earlier but when the comp started he fell on everything he tried.
Henrik came a little later but he put down a switch 270 pz 270 on the downrail. He's so tech when it comes to downrails.
Many of us was not satisfied with the judging, Henrik and me saw that the judges turned their backs on the one rail when a skier was going for it. But I think everybody except Vegard was satisfied with their own performances.
Rødde Railjam is on Wedensday, and I'm going to do everything to get in the finals!
piz Chris