Hi, our trip to Åre was a big success, I've never stomped so many tricks so early in a season before.
The park opened just before we came there, and it was four jumps in one line. The jumps was amazing, the hangtime was good and the flow between the jumps were perfect!
Perfect constructed with the speed etc.
I focused a lot about my landings, we filmed a bit with Hågen's new camera, pretty stoked on some shots I got. I also got a BANGER picture with his photocamera!
I will post them when I get'em, really stoked one that!
Åre has the best park in scandinavia for shure, the black line is so dialed that I can't describe it! The railpark is designed as a skatepark, some elements is like riding skateboard on snow. Really funny actually, they also got a dobbel kink with staircase in it, like riding urbans in the park, CAN IT BE BETTER??
well, I'm going to Vassfjellet tomorrow and I'm looking forward to the new year 2010.
piz Chris
onsdag 30. desember 2009
lørdag 26. desember 2009
Pretty sick session I quess
Ait, so here is the thing!
Erlend Viken, Magnus Rønning and me decided to hit urbans today, Viken picked us up and we went straight to Rotvoll to hit a downrail. It was totally worth it, the rail was so dialed, perfect height and long.
We used around 30 min to buildt kicker and inrun, then we started to throw down some shietz.
Magz put down 270 off immediately, and 450 after that! Credz to him
He totally killed that rail with so many different tricks, the sickest thing he sticked was Sex change sw up 270 off, that is like nternational riders does!
I sticked a few sw ups and 270 off, but I wanted to get a sick shot, so I sticked Sex change. VERY VERY stoked on that, good style in it to!
Viken sticked one sw up, he hit the rail unatty so that is pretty awsome!
The shots that we got today, will be saved for the full movie coming this fall!
Here is some pics from today!

Erlend Viken, Magnus Rønning and me decided to hit urbans today, Viken picked us up and we went straight to Rotvoll to hit a downrail. It was totally worth it, the rail was so dialed, perfect height and long.
We used around 30 min to buildt kicker and inrun, then we started to throw down some shietz.
Magz put down 270 off immediately, and 450 after that! Credz to him
He totally killed that rail with so many different tricks, the sickest thing he sticked was Sex change sw up 270 off, that is like nternational riders does!
I sticked a few sw ups and 270 off, but I wanted to get a sick shot, so I sticked Sex change. VERY VERY stoked on that, good style in it to!
Viken sticked one sw up, he hit the rail unatty so that is pretty awsome!
The shots that we got today, will be saved for the full movie coming this fall!
Here is some pics from today!

torsdag 24. desember 2009
tirsdag 22. desember 2009
Dope Monday
hi, I think that today was one of the most fun day on my skis ever!
In the morning we were pretty unstoked, cause we were tierd etc, but after a while we started to shred, then we stomped more and more stuff..
our stoked-o-meters went from frozen to hot as hell!
I tried out some unatties today, landed a few unatty 3s, but I not satisfied with the landings. I also killed rails today , and tomorrow I will bring my camera,
If I find the charger tonight.
Purple city bird gang:
Hågen, Vegard, Magnus, Henrik, Espen and a little kid named Steffen rode together today, it was a gnarly time for shure!
Well see you guys tomorrow, I'm really stoked in this christmas days! Merry christmas to ya' all!
piz chris
In the morning we were pretty unstoked, cause we were tierd etc, but after a while we started to shred, then we stomped more and more stuff..
our stoked-o-meters went from frozen to hot as hell!
I tried out some unatties today, landed a few unatty 3s, but I not satisfied with the landings. I also killed rails today , and tomorrow I will bring my camera,
If I find the charger tonight.
Purple city bird gang:
Hågen, Vegard, Magnus, Henrik, Espen and a little kid named Steffen rode together today, it was a gnarly time for shure!
Well see you guys tomorrow, I'm really stoked in this christmas days! Merry christmas to ya' all!
piz chris
mandag 21. desember 2009
first Urban session done
Ait, first session done, and it was fun.
Erlend Viken and I drove around scoping for features to hit, we found a bunch of rails but not all off them were perfect for the conditions. Then we found a long downrail, we diceded to hit it.
Magnus, Vegard, Hågen, Espen and Julian came a little bit later, they were also stoked! Almost everybody got shots, Vegard put down a steezy sw up, Magz a 270 off and Viken did a sw up.
It's back to Vassfjellet again tomorrow, stoked
Here is two pics from today

Erlend Viken and I drove around scoping for features to hit, we found a bunch of rails but not all off them were perfect for the conditions. Then we found a long downrail, we diceded to hit it.
Magnus, Vegard, Hågen, Espen and Julian came a little bit later, they were also stoked! Almost everybody got shots, Vegard put down a steezy sw up, Magz a 270 off and Viken did a sw up.
It's back to Vassfjellet again tomorrow, stoked
Here is two pics from today

søndag 20. desember 2009
Hi folks
Yesterday was a gnarly day for shure, vassfjellet shred and later we picked up Hågen at Værnes Airport.
About the shred:
I sticked some new shit on rails, 2 pz 2 on a 4m rail and sex change 270 off a pvc rail. Got a few shots on Magz camera, I will post it later.
We also shred some fives on the big jump..
Our plan today is to hit a urban when it's gettin dark. I will post a few pics of that for shure if we decide to go for it!
well, speaks later
Yesterday was a gnarly day for shure, vassfjellet shred and later we picked up Hågen at Værnes Airport.
About the shred:
I sticked some new shit on rails, 2 pz 2 on a 4m rail and sex change 270 off a pvc rail. Got a few shots on Magz camera, I will post it later.
We also shred some fives on the big jump..
Our plan today is to hit a urban when it's gettin dark. I will post a few pics of that for shure if we decide to go for it!
well, speaks later
torsdag 17. desember 2009
vassfjellet some days
in the last 3days I've been shredding in Vassfjellet, it's been a really good time!
It is truly good to see my friends again, both skiers and boarders.
Vassfjellet has produced a bunch with snow the last days, today it's been really cold (-11 celcius). Some friends of mine had shaped all the rails, so it was super fun to try out some new shit on rails, like noseblunt, tailpress, switch slides etc.
I got a few shots with my cam, a sex change on a 8-10 m flatbar. Really pumped on that for shure. I also did a few 270s from the sides off the rail, sticked it ones! Really hard to keep your balance on a thin rail, but I'm trying to keep it cool
I'll try to post some pics soon from Vassfjellet!, but I found a shot of me from Hafjell. Hafjell has a group on facebook about their park etc.
here it is:

All I can say so far about Vassfjellet is that they've a bunch with rails, but they sucks to keep them in shape..
Well see you guys soon, looking forward to see my bestfriend on Saturday. He live in Calgary at the moment but is home in our Christmas vacation!
piz chris
in the last 3days I've been shredding in Vassfjellet, it's been a really good time!
It is truly good to see my friends again, both skiers and boarders.
Vassfjellet has produced a bunch with snow the last days, today it's been really cold (-11 celcius). Some friends of mine had shaped all the rails, so it was super fun to try out some new shit on rails, like noseblunt, tailpress, switch slides etc.
I got a few shots with my cam, a sex change on a 8-10 m flatbar. Really pumped on that for shure. I also did a few 270s from the sides off the rail, sticked it ones! Really hard to keep your balance on a thin rail, but I'm trying to keep it cool
I'll try to post some pics soon from Vassfjellet!, but I found a shot of me from Hafjell. Hafjell has a group on facebook about their park etc.
here it is:

All I can say so far about Vassfjellet is that they've a bunch with rails, but they sucks to keep them in shape..
Well see you guys soon, looking forward to see my bestfriend on Saturday. He live in Calgary at the moment but is home in our Christmas vacation!
piz chris
mandag 14. desember 2009
4 days in Hafjell
I've just got home from Lillehammer and the trip was gnarly!
Here is my story
I took bus from Trondheim to Lillehammer, it took like 6 hours. Some yerk's took the back seats that I wanted so bad, but I survived...
The music on my ears saved me, without that I would proberly almost died. I didn't sleep anything on the bus, Kasper picked me up around 05 00 o'clock in the morning.
Super stoked to see him again, it's been a long time since.
I went alone to Hafjell, took the bus from Lillehammer to Hafjell around 09 20 o'clock. When I took the gondol up the weather changed. Bad sieve as hell, but it didn't stop me from shreddin' alone. I sat my first sw 5 for the season. Very stoked on that. I've been bad riding backwards into jumps before, so it was good to not bail on that. The jump there was small, but perfect buildt! After some pretzles on rails and forwards 5's and backwards I went home. Kasper had some tickets to a restaurant so we went there. Epic pizza and soda is all I can say!
I grabbed the bus a little later, I were so tierd after Yesterday shred. This day proberly was the best. Sat my first sw 7 mute, and sw cork 5 trucker. Really stoked on that. I also sat 450 out of the C-box. Took the bus home and we made some dinner.
Really tierd in the evening so we went for our beds.
Finally someone to shred with, we took the bus early and I met some friends of Kasper. We droved train all day, that means that we droved 10 meter from eachother on the jumps and rails etc. Really epic day with epic peoples.
Last day, last chance to put down some tricks in the pre season park. I focused on style on the 5's and land switch good. It went good and we filmed a little.
After the hill I took the bus up to Trondheim again.
It's always good to come home after a weekend gone away from home.

In the end, the gear and clothes I got from INTERSPORT was amazing. Thanks a lot!
piz chris
I've just got home from Lillehammer and the trip was gnarly!
Here is my story
I took bus from Trondheim to Lillehammer, it took like 6 hours. Some yerk's took the back seats that I wanted so bad, but I survived...
The music on my ears saved me, without that I would proberly almost died. I didn't sleep anything on the bus, Kasper picked me up around 05 00 o'clock in the morning.
Super stoked to see him again, it's been a long time since.
I went alone to Hafjell, took the bus from Lillehammer to Hafjell around 09 20 o'clock. When I took the gondol up the weather changed. Bad sieve as hell, but it didn't stop me from shreddin' alone. I sat my first sw 5 for the season. Very stoked on that. I've been bad riding backwards into jumps before, so it was good to not bail on that. The jump there was small, but perfect buildt! After some pretzles on rails and forwards 5's and backwards I went home. Kasper had some tickets to a restaurant so we went there. Epic pizza and soda is all I can say!
I grabbed the bus a little later, I were so tierd after Yesterday shred. This day proberly was the best. Sat my first sw 7 mute, and sw cork 5 trucker. Really stoked on that. I also sat 450 out of the C-box. Took the bus home and we made some dinner.
Really tierd in the evening so we went for our beds.
Finally someone to shred with, we took the bus early and I met some friends of Kasper. We droved train all day, that means that we droved 10 meter from eachother on the jumps and rails etc. Really epic day with epic peoples.
Last day, last chance to put down some tricks in the pre season park. I focused on style on the 5's and land switch good. It went good and we filmed a little.
After the hill I took the bus up to Trondheim again.
It's always good to come home after a weekend gone away from home.

In the end, the gear and clothes I got from INTERSPORT was amazing. Thanks a lot!
piz chris
tirsdag 8. desember 2009
my new gear for this season
søndag 6. desember 2009
2nd day in Vassfjellet
Hi folks, today was a really funny day. My mom drove me over to Magnus early this morning, he was almost still sleeping.. His father drove us to Vassfjellet, it took around 20 minuts to get up there. I brought my cam and easel. We started to film and slay the flatbox, 270s on, pretzles, 450s etc. Almost everything. Then we took a break at the local mini restaurant, bought some food and watched over the clips. After that we decided to test the session rail, we tested it and we got a good feeling about it! I stomped sw 270 on preztle 270 off, really happy that I landed that! Here is a picture of the trick.

it was only jumping on our menues after all the railing. We all went for the 5's with different grabs and styles. I took a few 5's with tail, sausage and mute.
Another epic day in the pre season park, and when we're talkin' about the park.
Today I got a message from my good friend Gabriel, he said that Emil Fossheim is our new park manager. Emil moved to Trondheim this fall, and he's the best Norwegian park prepper off all times! So I'm lookin' forward to see how the park is going to be this year!
piz Chris

it was only jumping on our menues after all the railing. We all went for the 5's with different grabs and styles. I took a few 5's with tail, sausage and mute.
Another epic day in the pre season park, and when we're talkin' about the park.
Today I got a message from my good friend Gabriel, he said that Emil Fossheim is our new park manager. Emil moved to Trondheim this fall, and he's the best Norwegian park prepper off all times! So I'm lookin' forward to see how the park is going to be this year!
piz Chris
lørdag 5. desember 2009
1st day on snow
Hi, Vassfjellet skiresort opened today, but only two hills. Luckily for us, they had put up two rails and a mini jump. It was very wierd to ski again, but in the end of the day it turned out great. We put down some 5's with different grabs and all kinda shit on rails. I will bring my camera tomorrow so I can upload a edit. My friend Magnus filmed a bit today, maybe I will post his edit on my blog later tonight.
Stay tuned for tomorrow guys!
I'll grab some pictures of the elements in the pre season park.
Stay tuned for tomorrow guys!
I'll grab some pictures of the elements in the pre season park.
onsdag 2. desember 2009
bowling and sponsor meeting
Hi, Today we went for bowling in PE, it was super fun. When I'm getting old and pension off I will play bowling all day! Can't wait to be old, haha.
After school I went home, then headed to Intersport AS. I waited 15 min before the boss came in. Then we found out witch demo skis I'm going to shred on this season. We found 2 skis, Nordica Aces of spades and Dead money.
I will get Dead Money on Tuesday, that it's perfect timing cause I'm going down to Hafjell on Wedensday.
I will get Aces of Spades in the middle of January cause they arn't done with the skis yet.
I will also get Marker bindings and Tecnica shoes. Then I picked out some clothes, I I found some nice clothes from O'neil. A green xl pant and a jacket with so many colors.
They will put a Intersport logo on it cause I'm getting it for free, I'm superstoked!
In the end, that video I posted last night is on 20.place now on www.freeride.se!
On Saturday I'm going to Vassfjellet, it's season time now baby!
piz chris
After school I went home, then headed to Intersport AS. I waited 15 min before the boss came in. Then we found out witch demo skis I'm going to shred on this season. We found 2 skis, Nordica Aces of spades and Dead money.
I will get Dead Money on Tuesday, that it's perfect timing cause I'm going down to Hafjell on Wedensday.
I will get Aces of Spades in the middle of January cause they arn't done with the skis yet.
I will also get Marker bindings and Tecnica shoes. Then I picked out some clothes, I I found some nice clothes from O'neil. A green xl pant and a jacket with so many colors.
They will put a Intersport logo on it cause I'm getting it for free, I'm superstoked!
In the end, that video I posted last night is on 20.place now on www.freeride.se!
On Saturday I'm going to Vassfjellet, it's season time now baby!
piz chris
tirsdag 1. desember 2009
Åre and Juvass super edit
there you go, the banger edit!
the edit got over 2000 views only six days after we uploaded it and it's on 70.place on the top list of vids on www.freeride.se
the edit got over 2000 views only six days after we uploaded it and it's on 70.place on the top list of vids on www.freeride.se
lørdag 28. november 2009
Night session in Vassfjellet
Last night Vegard and me decided to drive up to Vassfjellet Skiresort. We brought ligths, cables and my camera. We were ready to hit the rail around 22 30 pm. The rail was sketchy as hell, but Vegard ended up slay the rail so bad with 270 pz 270, a lot of sw up 270s off etc.
Here is some pics from the session

I got a few shots of Vegard, and some of me. Don't really know when I'm going to use it, but I'll save it to later.
See you guys around!
Last night Vegard and me decided to drive up to Vassfjellet Skiresort. We brought ligths, cables and my camera. We were ready to hit the rail around 22 30 pm. The rail was sketchy as hell, but Vegard ended up slay the rail so bad with 270 pz 270, a lot of sw up 270s off etc.
Here is some pics from the session

I got a few shots of Vegard, and some of me. Don't really know when I'm going to use it, but I'll save it to later.
See you guys around!
søndag 22. november 2009
bowling time
The ''king of style'' was on tv last night, Vegard Øye and me watched it together. A lot of the riders put down some gnarly tricks, and in the end Mr.Håtveit won with his dobbel 10 with dobbel mute grab. I'm stoked that Norway won a pre season competition again.
After that was finished, we hooked up with Viken and Maria, we decided to go bowling.
It was super fun, we played 3 sets. We tried everything, we screwed the ball with our right and left hands. I got strike my left, right and my ass opposed the bowling cones. we all got strikes in the end, it was a really good time!
Speaks later!
The ''king of style'' was on tv last night, Vegard Øye and me watched it together. A lot of the riders put down some gnarly tricks, and in the end Mr.Håtveit won with his dobbel 10 with dobbel mute grab. I'm stoked that Norway won a pre season competition again.
After that was finished, we hooked up with Viken and Maria, we decided to go bowling.
It was super fun, we played 3 sets. We tried everything, we screwed the ball with our right and left hands. I got strike my left, right and my ass opposed the bowling cones. we all got strikes in the end, it was a really good time!
Speaks later!
fredag 13. november 2009
Cold times..
Hi, It's been a while since last time I wrote something her, but nothing has actually happend since then. It's still pretty cold now, AND finally Vassfjellet skiresort has started to produce some snow..
Her is a picture of the snow so far:
But the sad thing about Vassfjellet is that they have a relly shitty park, and they don't realize it. The jumps is totally wrong constructed every single year, and they are about 100-300 meters from each other. That means that we skiers lose a lot of time to shred.
Well, my first mission when the snow will come, is to hit urbans and make a Self Urban edit. Because I mean urban shots are so more epic than regular park jumps shot etc.
I've a friend named Stian Stræte who is also a filmer nd' editor, he is going to help me a lot with the self edit. He's really good with editing etc.
I think the self edit is finished before Christmas, it depends when the snow will arrive Trondheim..
Her is a picture of the snow so far:
But the sad thing about Vassfjellet is that they have a relly shitty park, and they don't realize it. The jumps is totally wrong constructed every single year, and they are about 100-300 meters from each other. That means that we skiers lose a lot of time to shred.
Well, my first mission when the snow will come, is to hit urbans and make a Self Urban edit. Because I mean urban shots are so more epic than regular park jumps shot etc.
I've a friend named Stian Stræte who is also a filmer nd' editor, he is going to help me a lot with the self edit. He's really good with editing etc.
I think the self edit is finished before Christmas, it depends when the snow will arrive Trondheim..
torsdag 5. november 2009
Good news
I came 2nd in the Sig Tveit Ninthward contest
Read about it here:
I hope the snow would come fast cause I just wanna slay some urbans pretty fast!
It's 0 degrees celcius out now, and it's 5th November. At this time last year, my home-mountain opened, they had produced some snow today, but not much!
Read about it here:
I hope the snow would come fast cause I just wanna slay some urbans pretty fast!
It's 0 degrees celcius out now, and it's 5th November. At this time last year, my home-mountain opened, they had produced some snow today, but not much!
mandag 2. november 2009
the autumn sucks dunky balls
I'm sick and tierd right now, I'm just sitting home waiting for the beautiful snow!
I don't think to snow would come before christmas this year, and I want to hit urbans so bad that I cant describe it! I've allready written down which rails I'm going to hit etc.
I think my summer season is finished now, but this summer was the best! I did some tricks that I never thought I would stomp! Pretty satisfied on that fo'sho.
props to all my friends who filmed and shred with me!
I'm still waiting for a package from Nordica and marker, don't really know what I get from them. But I will update my blog as fast that I've received the package!
I'm sick and tierd right now, I'm just sitting home waiting for the beautiful snow!
I don't think to snow would come before christmas this year, and I want to hit urbans so bad that I cant describe it! I've allready written down which rails I'm going to hit etc.
I think my summer season is finished now, but this summer was the best! I did some tricks that I never thought I would stomp! Pretty satisfied on that fo'sho.
props to all my friends who filmed and shred with me!
I'm still waiting for a package from Nordica and marker, don't really know what I get from them. But I will update my blog as fast that I've received the package!
søndag 1. november 2009
1 november yey
ye, winter is coming now, but it ain't snow here yet. Last night I drove my scooter up to Dahlgård ishall. Some skiers up there had buildt some set ups, pretty fun actually. We filmed a little bit, but I'm saving the shots again..
Tomorrow I will go up to Dahlgård again with some other peoples, somebody I got to know today. They seemed pretty cool and I'm stoked shred with 'em.
I'm going to bring you some photos off the set up and maybe a edit tomorrow.
piz chris
Tomorrow I will go up to Dahlgård again with some other peoples, somebody I got to know today. They seemed pretty cool and I'm stoked shred with 'em.
I'm going to bring you some photos off the set up and maybe a edit tomorrow.
piz chris
torsdag 29. oktober 2009
Dahlgard session #1
hi again.
No school today, that means time to hit a rail. It's been a long time since I've seen Vegard Oye, he picked up me early this morning. Then we went to a store to buy something to finished up the rail. Then we headed to Dahlgard ishall, the session started pretty fast. Suddenly some boarders came, they had the same plans as us. We decided to buildt two set ups.
Vegard was the man off the day, he hit the sketchy rail set up switch, 270's, pretzles you name it. I did some sw ups and almost 450 off the rail. It was good to rail with Vegard again, he's a busy man!
I got some shots today, but I'll save it to later.
No school today, that means time to hit a rail. It's been a long time since I've seen Vegard Oye, he picked up me early this morning. Then we went to a store to buy something to finished up the rail. Then we headed to Dahlgard ishall, the session started pretty fast. Suddenly some boarders came, they had the same plans as us. We decided to buildt two set ups.
Vegard was the man off the day, he hit the sketchy rail set up switch, 270's, pretzles you name it. I did some sw ups and almost 450 off the rail. It was good to rail with Vegard again, he's a busy man!
I got some shots today, but I'll save it to later.
søndag 25. oktober 2009
Ghetto set up day 2
Julian called me pretty early this morning, we hijacked my scooter, drove 2 peoples, 2 skis, 2 shoes, 2 bangs and a slice on it. Headed up to Yarden, to slay the ghetto setup. We decided to change the set up a little bit, cause the speed was bad like it was yesterday.
here are some pictures from the set up!

well, we also got some footage to, watch out for my Sig Tveit ninthward edit soon!
maybe tonight or before 1.november.
julian stomped 270 on and I stomped 450 on. We are stoked that the ghetto set up turned out so good.
piz Chrismath
here are some pictures from the set up!
well, we also got some footage to, watch out for my Sig Tveit ninthward edit soon!
maybe tonight or before 1.november.
julian stomped 270 on and I stomped 450 on. We are stoked that the ghetto set up turned out so good.
piz Chrismath
lørdag 24. oktober 2009
difficult set up you said?
chea! today my daddy and I went to Leangen Ishall, it's pretty much snow there cause the weather is so cold right now. After we had filled up our hanger with snow we headed up to a place called Yarden. We have all our summer set ups there, this set up would be different from the others. A gap to downbox, 2 m gap and a wide kicker. Everything seemed to be perfect. But when I tested it, it turned out wrong. It was to little kick on the kicker, and that sucks! Especially when it's just one week again to Sig Tveit contest is finished. I think I need 20 sec more with hardcore skiing in my edit, and not just poosing and stuff..
well, maybe I can hit the set up tomorrow, Maybe my grandfather can help me with filming etc.
well, I got a picture of the set up:

piz, chris
well, maybe I can hit the set up tomorrow, Maybe my grandfather can help me with filming etc.
well, I got a picture of the set up:
piz, chris
fredag 23. oktober 2009
some edits from last year
my promo edit from 2008/09 season
the Best of Chrismath:
my entry for Fieldprod Railjam 2009:
My edit for Sig Tveit ninthward contest is coming soon!
Christer Mathisen promo 2009 from christer mathisen on Vimeo.
the Best of Chrismath:
Best of Christer Mathisen 2009 from christer mathisen on Vimeo.
my entry for Fieldprod Railjam 2009:
Chrismath 'el railz from christer mathisen on Vimeo.
My edit for Sig Tveit ninthward contest is coming soon!
pumped on my blog
This is my first post. My name is Christer Mathisen, also called chrismath.
I'm 16 years old and live in Norway. My hobby is skiing and editing.
Last year was my first big season, came back strong after I broke my leg two seasons ago.
stoked that I've two feets today!
Winter is coming up, can't wait to put on my skis again, I've been shredding rails all summer, I going to put up some edits from last year soon. This year I will put up least one edit each month.
With my friends and I.
Right now I'm working on a summer edit for Sig Tveit Ninthward contest. You can read about it here: http://www.friflyt.no/index.php?pagenr=12&articlenr=57620
it's in norwegian language.
speaks Chrismath.
I'm 16 years old and live in Norway. My hobby is skiing and editing.
Last year was my first big season, came back strong after I broke my leg two seasons ago.
stoked that I've two feets today!
Winter is coming up, can't wait to put on my skis again, I've been shredding rails all summer, I going to put up some edits from last year soon. This year I will put up least one edit each month.
With my friends and I.
Right now I'm working on a summer edit for Sig Tveit Ninthward contest. You can read about it here: http://www.friflyt.no/index.php?pagenr=12&articlenr=57620
it's in norwegian language.
speaks Chrismath.
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